jeudi 16 février 2017

Bienheureux BERNARD SCAMMACCA, prêtre dominicain

Tableau et châsse du bienheureux dans l'église Saint-Dominique de Catane

Bienheureux Bernard Scammacca

Dominicain ( 1486)

Né à Catane, dans une famille très riche, il connut une jeunesse déréglée dont la fortune favorisait les plaisirs. Étourdi par eux, il se réveilla à la vie spirituelle quand, après un duel, il se mit à réfléchir à ses folies. Devenu dominicain, il se distingua par ses pénitences continuelles pour expier ses péchés.

Né à Catane en Sicile, Bernard de Scammacca se livra d'abord à une vie de plaisirs et de débauches. Mais Dieu ne refuse jamais la conversion d'un pêcheur que sa grâce poursuit. Bernard revint de ses égarements et entra dans l'Ordre des dominicains, se livrant à des œuvres d'une pénitence effrayante. C'était l'époque des "flagellants" en Allemagne et de Savonarole à Florence. En 1825, le pape Léon XII approuva le culte qui lui était rendu chez les Frères Prêcheurs.

À Catane en Sicile, l’an 1487, le bienheureux Bernard Scammacca, prêtre. Après une jeunesse dissolue et un duel où il fut grièvement blessé, il se convertit, entra dans l’Ordre des Prêcheurs et ne cessa de pleurer les fautes de sa jeunesse dans l’observance rigoureuse de la Règle et dans la pénitence.

Martyrologe romain


Blessed Bernard Scammacca, OP (AC)

Born in Catania, Sicily; died 1486; cultus approved 1825. Born of wealthy and pious parents, Bernard was given a good education. In spite of this good training, he spent a careless youth. Only after he was badly injured in a duel was he brought back to his senses. His long convalescence gave him plenty of time to think, and once he was able to go out of the house, he went to the Dominican convent of Catania and begged to be admitted to the order.

Bernard, as a religious, was the exact opposite of what he had been as a young man. Now he made no effort to obtain the things he had valued all his life, but spent his time in prayer, solitude, and continual penance. There is little recorded of his life, except that he kept the rule meticulously, and that he was particularly kind to sinners in the confessional. Apparently, he did not attain fame as a preacher, but was content to spend his time in the work of the confessional and the private direction of souls.

One legend pictures Bernard as having great power over birds and animals. When he walked outside in the gardens, praying, the birds would flutter down around him, singing; but as soon as he went into ecstasy, they kept still, for fear they would disturb him. Once, the porter was sent to Bernard's room to call him, and saw a bright light shining under the door. Peeking through the keyhole, he saw a beautiful child shining with light and holding a book, from which Bernard was reading. He hurried to get the prior to see the marvel.

Bernard had the gift of prophecy, which he used on several occasions to try warning people to amend their lives. He prophesied his own death. Fifteen years after his death, he appeared to the prior, telling his to transfer his remains to the Rosary chapel. During this translation, a man was cured of paralysis by touching the relics (Benedictines, Dorcy). 

Blessed Bernard Scammacca, C.O.P.

Memorial day: February 16th


    Born in Catania, Sicily; died 1486; cultus approved 1825. Born of wealthy and pious parents, Bernard was given a good education. In spite of this good training, he spent a careless youth. Only after he was badly injured in a duel was he brought back to his senses. His long convalescence gave him plenty of time to think, and once he was able to go out of the house, he went to the Dominican convent of Catania and begged to be admitted to the order.

    Bernard, as a religious, was the exact opposite of what he had been as a young man. Now he made no effort to obtain the things he had valued all his life, but spent his time in prayer, solitude, and continual penance. There is little recorded of his life, except that he kept the rule meticulously, and that he was particularly kind to sinners in the confessional. Apparently, he did not attain fame as a preacher, but was content to spend his time in the work of the confessional and the private direction of souls.

    One legend pictures Bernard as having great power over birds and animals. When he walked outside in the gardens, praying, the birds would flutter down around him, singing; but as soon as he went into ecstasy, they kept still, for fear they would disturb him. Once, the porter was sent to Bernard's room to call him, and saw a bright light shining under the door. Peeking through the keyhole, he saw a beautiful child shining with light and holding a book, from which Bernard was reading. He hurried to get the prior to see the marvel.

    Bernard had the gift of prophecy, which he used on several occasions to try warning people to amend their lives. He prophesied his own death. Fifteen years after his death, he appeared to the prior, telling his to transfer his remains to the Rosary chapel. During this translation, a man was cured of paralysis by touching the relics (Benedictines, Dorcy).

Born: Catania, Sicily (year unknown)

Died: 1486

Canonized: Leo XII confirmed cultus in 1825

First Vespers:

Ant. Strengthen by holy intercession, O Bernard, confessor of the Lord, those here present, have we who are burdened with the weight of our offenses may be relieved by the glory of thy blessedness, and may by thy guidance attain eternal rewards.

V. Pray for us, Blessed Bernard.

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.


Ant. Well done, good and faithful servant, because Thou has been faithful in a few things, I will set thee over many, sayeth the Lord.

V. The just man shall blossom like the lily.

R. And shall flourish forever before the Lord.

Second Vespers:

Ant. I will liken him unto a wise man, who built his house upon a rock..

V. Pray for us. Blessed Bernard.

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.


Let us Pray: O God , who didst mercifully bring back Blessed Bernard from the vices of the world, and dist lead him into the way of perfection, grant, through his merits and intercession, that we likewise may bewail our sins and turn with pure minds unto Thee. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

SOURCE : Scammacca

Beato Bernardo Scammacca Domenicano

11 gennaio

Catania, 1430 - 1487

Di nobile famiglia catanese, trascorse la sua giovinezza nel lusso e nel peccato. In seguito a una grave ferita riportata durante un duello, ispirato dalla grazia, entrò nell'Ordine nel 1452, dove visse una vita di penitenza e di particolare devozione alla Passione di Cristo. Zelante di carità verso il prossimo, curò la costruzione di un ospedale, ancora esistente, e come superiore curò la restaurazione della vita religiosa regolare.

Martirologio Romano: A Catania, beato Bernardino Scammacca, sacerdote dell’Ordine dei Predicatori, che si distinse in modo speciale per la misericordia verso i bisognosi e i malati.

Il Beato Bernardo della nobile famiglia catanese Scammacca, nacque a Catania nel 1430. Sebbene educato cristianamente, non seppe sfuggire alle insidie tese dagli agi della vita e dalle lusinghe del mondo e alla sua inesperta giovinezza, scivolando in una vita piena di disordini. Costretto alla immobilità da una dolorosissima piaga a una gamba, la voce del Signore si fece sentire al suo cuore, invitandolo a cambiare vita. Bernardo non respinse la celeste ispirazione e ribattezzato nelle lacrime da una viva contrizione, appena guarito, nel 1452, si presentò al convento dei Domenicani, per esservi accolto ed abbracciarne tutte le austerità. Le sue ascese nella santità furono mirabili, ma più mirabile ancora fu l’assoluto nascondimento in cui seppe tenere celate tante virtù e tanti eroismi. La luce che possedeva però irradiò al di fuori e specialmente sulle anime traviate della cui salvezza era assetato. Fu Priore di San Domenico in Catania, poi a Palermo, ed infine Vicario Generale dei Conventi riformati in Sicilia. Del suo beato transito, nel 1487, la storia nulla ci ha tramandato e la zona della sepoltura comune accolse i suoi resti mortali. Solo la voce dei miracoli ruppe tanto silenzio. Si volle allora trasportare il sacro corpo in luogo più degno, e quando si aprì la vecchia sepoltura ne esalò un celeste profumo mentre le campane cominciarono, da sole, a suonare a festa. Il Beato fu trovato intatto, come ancor oggi si può ammirare nella sua urna cristallina, veneratissimo dal popolo, che sempre ricorre a lui con fiducia. Papa Leone XII l’8 marzo 1825 ha confermato il culto.
L'Ordine Domenicano lo ricorda il 27 gennaio.

Autore: Franco Mariani