dimanche 23 octobre 2016

Saint DOMICE (DOMITIUS) d'AMIENS, anachorète

Saint Domice,  porte de la chapelle, cathédrale d'Amiens

Saint Domice

Prêtre ou diacre du diocèse d'Amiens (8ème s.)

Il se retira comme anachorète dans la solitude. 

Dans le diocèse d'Amiens se trouve une paroisse qui lui est dédiée, la paroisse Saint-Domice.

"Chapelle Saint-Domice: Située sur la route de Fouencamps à Hailles, sur le bord de l'Avre, au lieu d'ermitage du Saint, ancien chanoine de Saint Acheul, il y vécut de 727 à 755 et y mourut le 23 octobre vers l'âge de 80 ans.

La chapelle actuelle en pierre de craie fut édifiée en 1755 pour remplacer celle en ruine construite en 1298 par Enguerrand de Fouencamps.

A l'intérieur deux plaques de pierre gravées rappellent la légende des grenouilles avec Sainte Ulphe (jeune ermite de la vallée de la Noye qu'il avait prise en protection) et leurs marches quotidiennes vers l'abbaye de Saint-Acheul pour y entendre les matines..."

Jean de Francqueville, Sainte Ulphe et Saint Domice

Domitius of Amiens (RM)

8th century. This is another story of a friendship leading to perfect love of God. Not far from Amiens, in northern France, there is a small river called the Noye which, after flowing through some low-lying and marshy ground, joins another small river called the Avre. Together they then join the River Somme and flow down to the sea. They have been there since the beginning of time, and they will probably be there at the end of time.

In the 8th century there lived on the banks of the Noye a young girl named Ulphia who was filled with longing to lead a life of perfection. At the same time there lived on the banks of the Avre a deacon of the church of Amiens named Domitius, who was no less eager for the same perfection. Their hermitages were barely a mile apart, and Ulphia often sought the counsel of Domitius, who instructed her in the great prayer of the Church and led her to God. Their 'mystic life in common' lasted for 30 years, from about 730 to 760.

The legend speaks of 'a good and ancient man who beard and hair were as white as snow,' and who walked with a staff to support 'his great age and infirmity.' The friendship that bound him to the holy girl who was less than half his age must have seemed strange to the people who lived nearby. It is said that Domitius once silenced all the frogs in a pond, but perhaps the frogs were human- -men and women, whose tongues were set wagging by the story of the two hermits. And if Domitius succeeded in silencing them, then it was a far greater miracle than silencing a few small creatures.

They used to go together on foot to recite the Office in what was then the cathedral of Amiens. It was a mutual exchange of services: Ulphia tended Domitius, and Domitius rewarded his devout daughter by teaching and explaining to her the Holy Scriptures. "They were," says the legend, "of a like will and spirit, chaste and devout."

Their lives were like the two rivers on whose banks they lived, two rivers which flowed through marshes and swamps and then joined together and flowed to the sea. Ulphia passed through the marshes of this world and entrusted herself to Domitius. Their course together was one of prayer, penitence, solitude, and self- forgetfulness that, after 30 years, eventually brought them to their triumphal entry into paradise. As the two rivers flowed together, so did their lives, and as the waters of the rivers were finally united with the sea, so were they finally united with God. "He who drinks of the water I shall give him," says Our Lord, "will not thirst" (Encyclopedia).